Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for December 03, 2014
TNT: Rip, how exactly are we going to find this fake front bad guy? Rip Haywire: He's mixed up with Cobra, so we'll go to her first! Hey, there's Cobra's boyfriend, Rodeo Jones! Maybe he's seen her. Rodeo Jones: Haywire! He figured out I'm a fake front in disguise! I thought he was just a one-two punch to comatown. TNT: Why is he speeding off? Rip Haywire: You know Rodeo Jones... always trying to be a grade-A jerk.
Linda Solomon about 10 years ago
Thats what you get for ka-thinking!
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
Looks like it is cold and had snow on the ground. Is there a ka-rash coming to Fake Front?
johnrussco about 10 years ago
come on Rip you are not that …
Chithing Premium Member about 10 years ago
Well, Jones, it looks like you’ve outsmarted yourself.
Dragoncat about 10 years ago
Being a Grade-A Jerk may be the one thing Rodeo Jones exceeds in.
I AM CARTOON LADY! about 10 years ago
Won’t you take me to-to Comatown! Won’t you take me to-to Comatownnnn!