Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for November 19, 2014
Dakota: Heyyyy, Dweeby Phoebe... Where's your stupid unicorn? Phoebe: She went with her sister to come Canadian unicorn spa, and I'm having a lot of trouble adjusting. I didn't realize how much I depend on her to feel normal. Maybe that's part of what makes somebody a best friend. Dakota: I didn't actually wanna know. Phoebe: And yet you do. Maybe you shouldn't tease me.
kaykeyser about 10 years ago
maybe this will start changing Dakota? Probably not.
Hag5000 about 10 years ago
Pity Dakota, living in her delusion of what she thinks is important while missing out on what really is important.
laurac5800 about 10 years ago
Dakota: “If you’re gonna ruin my fun, maybe I shouldn’t tease you.”
Phoebe: “Hurray!”
Q4horse about 10 years ago
The proper response to a stupid question is to provide too much information.
racerxyz about 10 years ago
I have learned, amusingly, that the only way to truly render oneself immune to the verbal attacks of others is to be completely vulnerable and honest about how I am feeling. Completely defies logic, and my urges, but works every time :-)Thanks, Dana :-)
Julius Marold Premium Member about 10 years ago
Phoebe’s response is exactly what Marigold would say. Best friends make the best teachers.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 10 years ago
Agreed Phoebe.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 6 years ago
When do we meet Dakota’s sisters Nakota and Lakota…?
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 7 months ago
They must love it up here in Canada, having been gone… what… a week now? :)