Donna is just trying to be helpful. That is made complicated by her being a ditz. Mona is anti-social (literally), Donna is clueless in LaLaLand. They’d be okay together if that lazy bum Pierre, unfortunately Mona’s brother, weren’t around and sponging off both of the girls.
Starman1948 about 10 years ago
Good morning fans. Way to go, Donna. Mona needs some serious therapy. Y’all have a blessed weekend.
AlnicoV about 10 years ago
Irony is so lost on Donna.
Sisyphos about 10 years ago
Donna is just trying to be helpful. That is made complicated by her being a ditz. Mona is anti-social (literally), Donna is clueless in LaLaLand. They’d be okay together if that lazy bum Pierre, unfortunately Mona’s brother, weren’t around and sponging off both of the girls.
P51Strega about 10 years ago
Donna doesn’t seem ditzy in this one, her eye roll in the last panel says that she gets it.
The missing M. Smokey about 10 years ago
Closed-minded people don’t understand about sleeping with a bunny.
banjinshiju about 10 years ago
Such a support group exists. It’s called the internet.
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Hmm… her logic is strangely compelling.