The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for December 04, 2014
December 03, 2014
December 05, 2014
Wilberforce: Do you think of yourself as being a bit overweight?
Brutus: Absolutely not...
Brutus: I prefer to think of myself as being a little undertall!
Argythree about 10 years ago
Interesting rationale…
johnnyo68 about 10 years ago
Holy Recycled Jokes Batman! I saw this one on a Garfield T-shirt when I was a kid…in the early eighties. Very disappointing.
Charlie Fogwhistle about 10 years ago
Vertically challenged.
Dragoncat about 10 years ago
Dimensionally challenged.
jppjr about 10 years ago
Holy burned out recycled joke Batman!!!
Ol Skool about 10 years ago
and by my calculations, i should be about 6 feet 13 inches