Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for January 03, 2015

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  almost 10 years ago

    Unfortunately something like that usually only works a little while. Until he starts turning that rage on to his dad.

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    Jeff0811  almost 10 years ago

    For some reason the phrase, “No TV ’til you finish your homework”, comes to mind. I don’t think the motivation was to get me to perform exceptionally well, but it got me where I am today. Eternal optimist that I am, I do sense a dog in Nate’s future.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Agreed Nate.

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    ko_hankinator  almost 10 years ago

    Nate’s dad has a point…..

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    orbenjawell Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Meanwhile…..pretty doofussy looking hat on Marty…..oh, yeah…….riiiiiiiiiiight!!

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    jwondga  almost 10 years ago

    Funny how life works.

    Good gravy, the kid wants a dog.

    Mr. Wright, do the right thing and GET HIM ONE.

    Nate, despite all his faults….

    …deserves one.

    But then again, what will ever happen to Spitsy?

    Ah. Now I know why.

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    -BigNateExpert-  almost 10 years ago

    Ah, I’ve also been known to perform well at things when I’m angry about something. I understand you, Nate.

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    T.A.S.K Master  almost 10 years ago

    The thing is that Nate Not Having and Wanting a dog is an integral part of this comic. If Nate got a dog, it’d be like him moving to seventh grade, or Mrs. Godfrey getting fired, or his dad remarried… It’s why back in the 1990s, when Natehad a girlfriend, it didn’t last very long. Some things never change in comic strips.

    Not that that’s a bad thing…

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    emrys02  almost 10 years ago

    Uh oh.

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    BeebeebeebeeBIGnanananaNATE  almost 10 years ago


    A)…. Nate ever get a dog…

    B)….Nate ever get jenny

    C)…anybody beat him in the traditional new years eve monoply game??!

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    ae15269  over 9 years ago

    i hate it when adults get ideas like that

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    Riflehawk1012  over 8 years ago

    Marty, you do realize that it’s always your fault why Nate is mad around Christmas season.

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    iheartcomix123  over 8 years ago

    Don’t we all hate when that happens…

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    calvin.e.mcfarlane  over 6 years ago

    by “an ugly turn” Nate means it is going in the exact oppisite direction

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    SonicFan91  almost 6 years ago

    He’s never geating a dog

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    ThePersonOnGoComics  over 4 years ago

    There are just some things Nate is good at

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    JotaroKujo  over 4 years ago

    I use my anger to dominate people too. That’s how I beat the hell out of DIO. Actually, I still have PTSD from that fight, so I’ll try not to think about it.

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    Dscrib (mostly inactive)  over 3 years ago

    He wouldn’t…

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    nAnanana  over 3 years ago

    Not helping Grandpa.

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