It’s both. Yale has a huge stone wheel that looks very similar to this in the plaza at Beinecke Library, only it’s made of marble and carved by a famous sculptor.
Here’s a good one. What about the Eiffel tower? Is it art or science?It was built in 1889 as a 20-year-only structure to demonstrate advances in structural engineering, and was then going to be de-constructed. Artists at the time LOATHED it – writing an open letter of protest at the monstrosity!!
TREEINTHEWIND about 10 years ago
Neither one has the qualifications to answer that question(It’s surprising that they could pose in the first place.)
luvcmx about 10 years ago
Depends are only functional.
LilyGilder about 10 years ago
“I’m not a scientist, but…”
Favorite quote by today’s congresscritters.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 10 years ago
Neither. Its technology.
dwpbike about 10 years ago
it’s math – half of infinity
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
I concur with Doctor Toon…
lmonteros about 10 years ago
It’s both. Yale has a huge stone wheel that looks very similar to this in the plaza at Beinecke Library, only it’s made of marble and carved by a famous sculptor.
TREEINTHEWIND about 10 years ago
Ernie didn’t have any axe to grind…… just followed his intuition and accidently invented the wheel and axel……
colcam about 10 years ago
Cave Engineering; it has art applied to science and science expressed through art.
ted.hering about 10 years ago
But he was trying to invent a doughnut.
dv-chris about 10 years ago
Here’s a good one. What about the Eiffel tower? Is it art or science?It was built in 1889 as a 20-year-only structure to demonstrate advances in structural engineering, and was then going to be de-constructed. Artists at the time LOATHED it – writing an open letter of protest at the monstrosity!!