Today in Blog-o-Comic, I read about how Bloggo the cat comic blogger blogged about Marmaduke (positive!) and Hagar (thumbs-down!). Pretty good. Can’t wait to see Bloggo’s take on Beetle Bailey.
How do I donate?
This is exactly how Josh Fruhlinger got his start.
This is a hoax. Cat’s can’t read.
I love the randomness of this strip!
August 09, 2014
DLF3275 about 10 years ago
Today in Blog-o-Comic, I read about how Bloggo the cat comic blogger blogged about Marmaduke (positive!) and Hagar (thumbs-down!). Pretty good. Can’t wait to see Bloggo’s take on Beetle Bailey.
Ushindi about 10 years ago
How do I donate?
stev0 about 10 years ago
This is exactly how Josh Fruhlinger got his start.
BadVlad almost 10 years ago
This is a hoax. Cat’s can’t read.
bigplayray over 3 years ago
I love the randomness of this strip!