The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for December 25, 2014
December 24, 2014
December 26, 2014
Brutus: I have a special gift for you, Gladys - merry Christmas!
Gladys: A ring with my birthstone! Oh, thank you, Brutus!
Gladys: I'm so happy, I could cry!
Brutus: Gee, I didn't mean to make you that happy!
Owossoharpist about 10 years ago
That’s ok, Brutus. What you did what great. :)
Dr_Fogg about 10 years ago
Merry Christmas! :-)
Plods with ...™ about 10 years ago
All the best, to you and yours. Hugs are precious, but are best when you pass them on..Merry Christmas all.
Jeff0811 about 10 years ago
Keep the change for next year Brutus. You will probably need it.