The zero permitted using position in a number to indicate value (each position to the left is ten times greater), rather than counting up the I, V, X, etc. and multiplying each, moving values to the next letter, etc. – a process so complicated that they used an abacus. The abacus is basically a positional system, but without the zero, cannot be a written process. The most valuable thing western Europe got out of the crusades was nothing (0).
TREEINTHEWIND almost 10 years ago
How many do you actually have or did you have, counting all of the “x’s” and “o’s”? Let’s not play tic-tak-toe about this………
Charlie Fogwhistle almost 10 years ago
How about X-Wives to take to the X-Games?
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
There are cases where your x-wife becomes your one girlfriend!
Sailor46 USN 65-95 almost 10 years ago
The number zero does not have its own Roman numeral, but the word nulla (the Latin word meaning “none”) was used by medieval computists in lieu of 0.
hippogriff almost 10 years ago
The zero permitted using position in a number to indicate value (each position to the left is ten times greater), rather than counting up the I, V, X, etc. and multiplying each, moving values to the next letter, etc. – a process so complicated that they used an abacus. The abacus is basically a positional system, but without the zero, cannot be a written process. The most valuable thing western Europe got out of the crusades was nothing (0).
Grover St. Clair almost 10 years ago
This is nuts…N-V-T-S nuts
Richard V Anderson almost 10 years ago
Zeus! This is such a GREAT comic (in general, every day) !!!!!
brianastle over 1 year ago
Shows the importance of having clearly distinct numerals and letters. What stupidity that we have the letter O and the numeral 0.