La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for February 13, 2015

  1. Mr b 3 10 15 11
    zippykatz  almost 10 years ago

    Name her Isabel.

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  2. Dd donovan.1
    mggreen  almost 10 years ago

    Get a life

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  3. Qc1
    agrestic  almost 10 years ago

    To be honest, I wish Disney would just move away from the whole “princess” thing altogether. By having one princess after another after another after another, it’s really quite limited—and limiting. How about more characters like Lilo or her big sister Nani? Or, I don’t know, branch out into other aspirations like scientists and teachers and farmers and firefighters and rangers and democratic leaders and about five million other options. For being a cultural cornerstone of a supposedly democratic society, Disney sure is obsessed with royalty. Maybe they should put their Imagineers to work figuring out how to get out of that rut. Or at least go talk to Joss Whedon, who knows a thing or two about creating popular fare featuring strong, complex women who aren’t princesses.

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  4. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    To Tallguy and Nightgaunt and their comments yesterday about American Sniper. Nightgaunt felt they whitewashed the negative parts of the main character thusly making it a PRO-war movie and Tallguy felt actual snipers stating they felt no remorse for their kills INHUMANE. Well these attitudes are the direct result of having a all volunteer armed forces. When the public is totally separated from the realities of war, the citizens lose touch with the problems the soldiers have to deal with every day. I say bring back the draft and if the general public doesn’t like the conflicts the politicians get our nation into, then they can vote them out. This might make our government actually work. BUT you don’t turn your disdain onto the soldiers that are doing the heavy lifting for this nation.

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    Rick Smith Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    There was a time when it was thought that Princess Sofia (the first) was the first latina princess. Then Disney backed away from it.

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  6. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 10 years ago

    I think he would tell you to stop being his troll. He already has trolls.

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  7. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 10 years ago

    I’m not sure what you mean about both parties, but you are sure right about the empire building and keeping the reason to have global military eternal and it’s going to bite us one day.

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