Reality Check Bureau-cats Mr. Snookers will be with you whenever he feels like coming out of his box... Just fill out these forms in triplicate and go wait in line 7
I think of them as burrocrats. They do get things done, in their own time, in their own way, & not necessarily the things you wanted done, but they can occasionally be useful.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Creating a synergistic flow, moving documents from desktop nap pads to sharpening and shredding to littler box fill.Efficiency is at an all-time high.
PICTO almost 10 years ago
The dog looks catatonic…
P51Strega almost 10 years ago
Line 7 must be Hellen’s line
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 10 years ago
Mr. Snookers would like to see Cat Benetar and Cindy Clawford…
pouncingtiger almost 10 years ago
Mr. Snookers looks like a dog, not a cat.
ChukLitl Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I think of them as burrocrats. They do get things done, in their own time, in their own way, & not necessarily the things you wanted done, but they can occasionally be useful.