As a foreigner I had to google what’s funny.Still. It’s always fascinating to study other culture.……..hey you guys really sing this astonishingly cruel song to your babies!??
Three blind mice. Three blind mice. See how they run. See how they run. They all ran after the farmer’s wife, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife, Did you ever see such a sight in your life, As three blind mice.[
Superfrog almost 10 years ago
It’s an unfortunate tale.
Cerabooge almost 10 years ago
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 10 years ago said the Indian tribes at the Little BigHorn River in 1876
kaz.yoshida almost 10 years ago
As a foreigner I had to google what’s funny.Still. It’s always fascinating to study other culture.……..hey you guys really sing this astonishingly cruel song to your babies!??
RwB1 almost 10 years ago
Three blind mice. Three blind mice. See how they run. See how they run. They all ran after the farmer’s wife, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife, Did you ever see such a sight in your life, As three blind mice.[
MeGoNow Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Tonight’s special is rat’s tail soup.
dzw3030 almost 10 years ago
Hickory, Dickory, Dock,Three mice ran up the clockThe clock struck oneThe other two escaped with minor injuries.De-tales at 10.
kaz.yoshida almost 10 years ago
@bubujin_2Thank you for the politically correct version.Now, I can sleep like a baby..zzzzzzzzzzzzz
pschearer Premium Member almost 10 years ago
The tale ends with tail ends.