"Part XII in the 'cutting room floor' series 'lost in space': Episode 4, Scene 2" "you are here"
Great, our astro-navigator is down and the yoyos who made this sign forgot the galactic coordinates!
You are here, the loo is over there, now where’s Uranus…
Loved that show. I wanted to be Will Robinson. Lucky kid….no school….a robot for a friend….sigh!
nosirrom almost 10 years ago
Great, our astro-navigator is down and the yoyos who made this sign forgot the galactic coordinates!
PICTO almost 10 years ago
You are here, the loo is over there, now where’s Uranus…
naturally_easy almost 10 years ago
Loved that show. I wanted to be Will Robinson. Lucky kid….no school….a robot for a friend….sigh!