Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for February 26, 2015
Enjoy the classic Tom the dancing bug Vintage 2003 Harvey Richards lawyer for children We join Mr. Richards on a typical busy day. ...WHy don't you just do an "eerie -meenie-meine-moe'? That would resolve the whole thing! Zack: Because I might lose!! Lawyer: Look, zack, "eerie-meenie - meine - Moe" always ends up where you start it! Zack: It does? Phone: excuse me, stacy is waiting for you in conference room B Lawyer: I'll be right in, Zack: ...and you...are! Hey he's right! Secretary: Also, Mr. Richards, Teddy Miller hasn't paid us for the water fountain case. He says he lost his allowance. Lawyer: Right. we'll slap a lien on his nintendo. He'll cough it up. Whats up stacy? Zack:I borrowed my brothers tonic, and I broke it, should I say it was broken when I got it? Lawyer: Let me tell you some thing about lying stacy. One lie always leads to another! And that lie will lead to another and another.... Lawyer: But thats usually about it. three or four lies, tops and you're in the clear.... Zack: Okay thanks, Mr. Richards!
wumpus Premium Member almost 10 years ago
What version of eenie-meenie is he using? Most common versions have an even number of beats, and thus always end up on the opposite person from the one started with (assuming two people).
braindead Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Wow, that the same lawyer ‘journalist’ Bill-O consulted.
jpozenel almost 10 years ago
Stacy looks like a budding young lawyer.
byobg almost 10 years ago
I can’t wait until my nephew is old enough to read, so I can share these with him.
Donald Gerheauser almost 10 years ago
It appears as though he is being a lawyer to the wrong group. He should be the lawyer for all elected representatives of the people to the U.S. Government! What a sad state of affairs when all believe that telling the young people to lie is the correct way to live one’s life!!!!!!!