Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for March 05, 2015
verne: how can we get in touch with each other during our trail separation? rJ: Why would we need to get in touch with each other? verne: I don't know...emergencies. rj: Ah! like, you get stuck on your back and need someone to flip you over! verne: maybe. verne: you've been preparing for this separation for awhile. full boy air bag. rj: I just want to make a clean break.
juicebruce almost 10 years ago
ctfxcer92 almost 10 years ago
It surprises me that they don’t have each other’s cell phone numbers.
bubbareb almost 10 years ago
Is Verne going to land on Mars or something? Beware of the evil raccoon with the Orphan Annie eyes …
Will_Scarlet almost 10 years ago
Wouldn’t that kind of add to the problem?
Linda Pearson almost 10 years ago
I guess if he falls over he’s going to go bouncing around for quite a while, until someone or something stops him.