As in ‘300’, a small force defending a narrow piece of ground can hold out against a much larger attacking group. ’Course the Spartans all died in the end…
Looks like they’re using their weapons pretty well to me. And why are they toppling like straws? Are they weak? Don’t forget the leader of the guards that Tarzan saved. He may figure into this yet.
King Suten is enjoying all of this action and while Tarzan and his not-so-merry little band are giving them a battle, Larson is going to take one for the team, adios Larson. By the way, is that Cousin It from the Aadams Family being crushed by Larson in the last panel……. :)> RIPLarsonAGowa!!
charliefarmrhere over 9 years ago
OWW !!! Stabbed him right in the left butt cheek. OR….Is Larson a goner like some predict?
Polsixe over 9 years ago
As in ‘300’, a small force defending a narrow piece of ground can hold out against a much larger attacking group. ’Course the Spartans all died in the end…
Olddog1 over 9 years ago
The 300 also had help from a lot more locals.
Old Comic Strip Lover over 9 years ago
Looks like they’re using their weapons pretty well to me. And why are they toppling like straws? Are they weak? Don’t forget the leader of the guards that Tarzan saved. He may figure into this yet.
profkatz over 9 years ago
King Suten is enjoying all of this action and while Tarzan and his not-so-merry little band are giving them a battle, Larson is going to take one for the team, adios Larson. By the way, is that Cousin It from the Aadams Family being crushed by Larson in the last panel……. :)> RIPLarsonAGowa!!