Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for March 15, 2015

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    Phatts  almost 10 years ago

    “nagigator” snerk!

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  2. Eagle globe anchor
    johnt204  almost 10 years ago

    Not exactly a stock option on a ’56 DeSoto.

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    Agent54  almost 10 years ago

    What is not funny is mine can not say make a u-turn. It goes make the next left than make the next left.

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    Charlie Fogwhistle  almost 10 years ago

    What the GPS says is all just programming. Garmin could give one a little attitude, if they thought it would sell better, and satisfy the lawyers. I used to work for a computer company and one of the tasks was to write error messages for when users responded inconsistently. Once I wrote some off the wall comment to amuse some of my co-workers, but somebody else thought it would be funny to present it to the department manager as though it had actually been released to our users. It was probably the best April Fools joke I’ve ever been part of.

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    westny77  almost 10 years ago

    Ah memories. The rearview mirror is set on the dash board and the transmission is push buttons. I give Chrysler credit for trying something new to set it apart from Ford and GM.

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  6. Fleur1
    mycatfleur  almost 10 years ago

    How can you tell what kind of car it is? It changes shape in every panel !!

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    B LeCren  almost 10 years ago

    Nagigators are out there… my English cousins sent me a device called a “Sat Nag” that does just that…

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  8. Sany0002
    danlarios  almost 10 years ago

    my gps is about 90% accurate I still use street maps just in case

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  9. Img 3744
    cknoblo Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Since paper maps are no more up to date (and often less) than smartphone maps, I just use Apple and Google maps to plan my route and find detours. Construction areas can change by the hour, so detours will always be with us.

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    jppjr  almost 10 years ago

    Two MapQuest events: One told me to turn left and go .8 mile…after I turned around 5 miles down the road and asked for directions…try 8 miles; another said to turn left at an intersection….the location was a right turn away….

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    maggaggiemay  almost 10 years ago

    My Dad has called my Mom, the Nagivator for decades. I think that’s just a little funnier than nagigator.

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    maggaggiemay  almost 10 years ago

    Favorite billboard ever… an autobody shop had a billboard with a picture of a smashed car and it said “My GPS told me to go straight.”

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  13. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  almost 10 years ago

    (with apologies to those that hate Country music)

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    neverenoughgold  almost 10 years ago

    The last several cars (all Cadillacs) came with “Navigation” (GPS) built in. The feature can be useful when traveling to a “foreign” area; i.e., one you never visited before. However, I find the feature very annoying if I actually know where I am going!.“Make a legal U turn”…

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