The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn for March 20, 2015
March 19, 2015
March 21, 2015
Business man: ...But if you're looking for something really special, this baby comes with a sun-err, moonroof. Includes a free ashtray with purchase, too.
Ernie EuBanks, Salesman Extraordinaire & Vampire Killer
cdward almost 10 years ago
I could see right through that trap.
jreckard almost 10 years ago
Ernie brought his spiel from his days working at the car lof.
PICTO almost 10 years ago
Looks like Ernie nailed the sale on the one beside it.
Mopman almost 10 years ago
The ashtray is for when the vampire burns up from the sunlight.
nosirrom almost 10 years ago
Hope he has a supply of Moonblock. Moonburn will do a number on his youthful appearance.
What? Me worried ? almost 10 years ago
Ernie Eubanks ? Was he related to the dating games’ Bob Eubanks ?
banjinshiju almost 10 years ago
Actually, that is quite a deal. Have you seen the price of caskets now days. When my wife died 15+ years ago, her casket ran over $3000.
J Short almost 10 years ago
Ernie had a stake in the company.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 10 years ago
ash tray in the coffin? well , I suppose that’s fitting …a placefor the ashes of coffin nails
DaveBNM almost 10 years ago
What? No cup holder for his midnight cup of warm blood?
Stephen Gilberg almost 10 years ago
No repeat customers, tho.
Here's Waldo almost 10 years ago
What? No Buffy jokes?
hippogriff almost 10 years ago
@What ? Me Worried ?I think a baseball player, but I didn’t recall his middle initial was U.
helen ferrx almost 10 years ago
……and didn’t stop at the pedestrian crossing.
hippogriff almost 10 years ago
Salvage all workable spare parts, and let the nearest medical school have the rest for instruction. They will vaporize the leftovers.
notsofunnyguy almost 10 years ago
Ashtray? It just proves it’s not the cough that carries you off, it’s the coffin they carry you off in!