“…. . Turtle should have a least touched the rock for the joke to make any sense..”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Please enlighten me — Why should Turtle have touched the rock for the joke to make any sense?That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.(I can’t believe I’m having this conversation!)
Jim Kerner GoComics PRO Member said, about 19 hours ago@neverenoughgold.But, the strips read in Hebrew are right to left.You know, after I posted my comment yesterday, I thought about what you said and wondered if anyone would make this comment..Thank you for not disappointing me…
Jim Douglas almost 10 years ago
Please, give me a break, go back to your X-box
e.groves almost 10 years ago
Seems like sarcasm to me.
rshive almost 10 years ago
The change in speed from almost not moving to not moving must have been breathtaking.
goweeder almost 10 years ago
“…. . Turtle should have a least touched the rock for the joke to make any sense..”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Please enlighten me — Why should Turtle have touched the rock for the joke to make any sense?That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.(I can’t believe I’m having this conversation!)
jtviper7 almost 10 years ago
Good thing he had Air Brakes.
jim_pem almost 10 years ago
Good thing he wasn’t rear-ended.
nosirrom almost 10 years ago
The airbags have been deployed, here in the comments!
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
I think nosirrom hit the nail on the head…
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
Jim Kerner GoComics PRO Member said, about 19 hours ago@neverenoughgold.But, the strips read in Hebrew are right to left.You know, after I posted my comment yesterday, I thought about what you said and wondered if anyone would make this comment..Thank you for not disappointing me…