Don’t worry the invaders will never show up, after telling you they will invade sometime between 8 am and 3 pm. 8 am Tuesday and 3 pm some random day in the future.
What you do is call your cable company (or whoever provides your service) and tell them ask for the retention people and tell them that you are considering churning over to another provider, but before you do, ask them what their best deal is.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 10 years ago
It’s working!
cdward almost 10 years ago
Haven’t had cable TV since 1995. But got cable internet a few years ago, and that’s practically the same.
Arianne almost 10 years ago
They’ve found our Achilles’ heel.
Rwill almost 10 years ago
Don’t worry the invaders will never show up, after telling you they will invade sometime between 8 am and 3 pm. 8 am Tuesday and 3 pm some random day in the future.
loner34 almost 10 years ago
Kruschev said that many years ago… and Putin is still watching and waiting…
jtviper7 almost 10 years ago
Cable internet 3 months ago raised prices, this month they raised it again… We have no control. COX CABLE.
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 10 years ago
Enjoy a mug of Grail Ale while watching the movies “Troy Story” and “Juliet Gets a Dragon Tattoo.”
dflak almost 10 years ago
What you do is call your cable company (or whoever provides your service) and tell them ask for the retention people and tell them that you are considering churning over to another provider, but before you do, ask them what their best deal is.
dflak almost 10 years ago
Wait until they open it and find out that it’s full of crap all 152 channels of it.
Jim Kerner almost 10 years ago
And don’t forget. They have to commit to a two year contract. But there is a huge penalty for early cancellation.
WebDonuts over 9 years ago
A google search lead me here to complain about my cable provider.