Yeah, Broomie seems to forget about her zapping powers once in awhile, when it will add to the drama/danger (much like classic Trek would never remember they had shuttlecrafts when the transporter would break down, “stranding” the landing party on a dangerous planet).
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
A “Broomie, Lettuce, and Tomato” sounds mighty tasty to any old bear, I would imagine. But I’ll stick to “Bacon, etc.”
comicsman47 almost 10 years ago
Yeah, Broomie seems to forget about her zapping powers once in awhile, when it will add to the drama/danger (much like classic Trek would never remember they had shuttlecrafts when the transporter would break down, “stranding” the landing party on a dangerous planet).
SarahSaroca over 6 years ago
Run, Broom Hilda, Run! Run before the bear eats you!