Brewster Rockit by Tim Rickard for April 21, 2015

  1. 20230415 170925
    Chithing Premium Member over 9 years ago

    The big question is, are the socks clean or dirty? That could help narrow down the point at which they disappear.

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  2. Large first sunday of advent
    Dkram  over 9 years ago

    I knew it, mini-black holes..\\//_

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    kaffekup   over 9 years ago

    Where are all the lost coat hangers?

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    puddleglum1066  over 9 years ago

    The accumulation of socks eventually collapses into the singularity which creates the next Big Bang.

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  5. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  over 9 years ago

    That is one smart phone!

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    Carl R  over 9 years ago

    A correct understanding of quantum physics, and it’s application to laundry, clearly shows that the presence of absence of the socks is simply a random state change:

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    kaffekup   over 9 years ago

    You’re right; I remember Avram Davison’s story, “Or All the Seas With Oysters”, in which he postulated that safety pins (never can find one of them!) grow up to become wire coat hangers.

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    comicsman47  over 9 years ago

    Wait… But if he’s gone back to a time before cell phone towers existed…

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