Doctor Toon, probably RIVETS come out for number 2! I love the look on Lio’s face as he’s whistling, having no idea of his impending doom, the look on his face as he’s flying through the air, and the look on his face and the dog’s completely abashed shame in the last panel.
K9 was completely Tardis trained.. no accidents there
Speaking of K-9
I just finished two miniature versions of him for my Christmas tree this year. I’m doing a Who Tree and making all the decorations myself.. there will be K9’s, tardis’s, Cybermen heads and flying Titanics oh my
gillbillvolume1, that’s impressive! How about little Tom Baker scarves? How do you like the new Dr.? I’m enjoying him and Amy.
I am enjoying the New Doctor very much, Amy is a great companion and the new tardis is awesome
I havn’t though of scarves .. good idea ! I Could take some Tom baker scarves to make the tree skirt
I am also making some little containers with severed hands inside. Very festive
margueritem over 14 years ago
Those dern robot dogs are notoriously hard to house train…
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
Bad doggie! Outside!
(Good thing Lio didn’t hurt himself in that fall!)
John Reiher Premium Member over 14 years ago
He should get himself one of them E-Dogs like Bleeker!
rayannina over 14 years ago
Nah – Bleeker would hate the lack of conversation.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Bad dog!
Pacejv over 14 years ago
Needs to be litter trained with Oil-Dri.
carmy over 14 years ago
Oh no, the dreaded rolled up newspaper!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Be cool, Lio. He’ll call the EPA on you!
ksoskins over 14 years ago
Those oil spills are definitely a nuisance.
pbarnrob over 14 years ago
Takes me back to F4B’s and hydraulic fluid, same problem…
*Space Madness at The Station* over 14 years ago
Puts the can back in oil.
cdward over 14 years ago
I’m surprised he’s not using a rolled up iPad….
lewisbower over 14 years ago
Go outside and kill a tree.
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
Too rich a diet will do that. Go to the 5W-30 and see if it helps.
dragonfreak365 over 14 years ago
Hey, he’s got to go somewhere…
runar over 14 years ago
You wouldn’t find Cybil doing something like that.
autumnfire1957 over 14 years ago
Did Dr. Who have the same problem with K9?
Godfreydaniel over 14 years ago
Doctor Toon, probably RIVETS come out for number 2! I love the look on Lio’s face as he’s whistling, having no idea of his impending doom, the look on his face as he’s flying through the air, and the look on his face and the dog’s completely abashed shame in the last panel.
gillbillvolume1 over 14 years ago
K9 was completely Tardis trained.. no accidents there
Speaking of K-9 I just finished two miniature versions of him for my Christmas tree this year. I’m doing a Who Tree and making all the decorations myself.. there will be K9’s, tardis’s, Cybermen heads and flying Titanics oh my
margueritem over 14 years ago
gillbillvolume1, that’s impressive! How about little Tom Baker scarves? How do you like the new Dr.? I’m enjoying him and Amy.
Kevin Parker Premium Member over 14 years ago
Lio is mentioned in today’s Elderberries strip– the general says they could have used him in Special Ops.
Dirty Dragon over 14 years ago
Lio needs to cross a Shop-Vac with a Roomba.
Dogs LOVE Roombas.
Sherlock Watson over 14 years ago
Does that dog’s litter box get taken to a recycling center when it’s full?
siri2557 over 14 years ago
Maybe dead batteries are left after #2.
gillbillvolume1 over 14 years ago
gillbillvolume1, that’s impressive! How about little Tom Baker scarves? How do you like the new Dr.? I’m enjoying him and Amy.
I am enjoying the New Doctor very much, Amy is a great companion and the new tardis is awesome
I havn’t though of scarves .. good idea ! I Could take some Tom baker scarves to make the tree skirt I am also making some little containers with severed hands inside. Very festive
gillbillvolume1 over 14 years ago
will do I’m going to find a little santa hat for my Dalek
They see you when your sleeping They know when your awake They know if you’ve been bad or good so EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE !
mrgromit over 14 years ago
Is that a newspaper or a repair manual?
Michelle99 over 14 years ago
ROFL! You just made my day!
Templo S.U.D. over 14 years ago
Just like flesh-and-blood dogs, that robotic dog’s eyes are hard to withstand! Surprisingly, you never see Bleeker do that.
margueritem over 14 years ago
gillbillvolume1 don’t forget the ‘Blink’ angels…..
TAZFAN over 14 years ago
gillbillvolume1 Slitheens would be cute!