A coincidence, I’m sure, that Ruben has a book for sale:http://amzn.to/1E6DQg9
Fortunately, modern libraries disenfect all books with tetracycline as soon as they are returned. So, take that… all you toilet readers.
Now I take my Nook in the bathroom with me (my library lets me download books online).
I love the randomness of this strip!
August 09, 2014
Tim Harrod Premium Member over 9 years ago
A coincidence, I’m sure, that Ruben has a book for sale:http://amzn.to/1E6DQg9
BadVlad over 9 years ago
Fortunately, modern libraries disenfect all books with tetracycline as soon as they are returned. So, take that… all you toilet readers.
Ushindi over 9 years ago
Now I take my Nook in the bathroom with me (my library lets me download books online).
bigplayray over 4 years ago
I love the randomness of this strip!