The Kuerig’s inventor thought of just this situation. The drip tray holds a tad more than the amount of the largest coffee setting..I did exactly this and the only mess on the counter was the small amount I spilled transferring the coffee to the cup.
Johnnie Polo Premium Member over 9 years ago
Been there done that, and not half asleep,it was in the middle of the day!
Starbossa_1341 over 9 years ago
Another instance of needing coffee in order to get your coffee, like needing a flashlight to find your flashlight….
Plods with ...™ over 9 years ago
The Kuerig’s inventor thought of just this situation. The drip tray holds a tad more than the amount of the largest coffee setting..I did exactly this and the only mess on the counter was the small amount I spilled transferring the coffee to the cup.
ChessPirate over 9 years ago
Brain dumb…
IWannaBeLerxst 5 months ago
Brain Death is SO sad, don’t you think?!?