It’s not too late, Maria. Whip up a bowl of Cheerio’s, a kiwi cut in two, and a mug of coffee (that was my daughter’s offering to me this morning, and only some of the milk and coffee were spilled onto the tray). :)
Never gave mom breakfast in bed. She was always up before me. But I would go looking for rummage sales and such on the Saturday. Find mom a starter plant. Some of those plants lasted 40 years or more.
Stellagal over 9 years ago
It’s not too late, Maria. Whip up a bowl of Cheerio’s, a kiwi cut in two, and a mug of coffee (that was my daughter’s offering to me this morning, and only some of the milk and coffee were spilled onto the tray). :)
Stellagal over 9 years ago
Happy Mother’s day to all us moms. :)
Comic Minister Premium Member over 9 years ago
This is the first I see Maria’s father without his glasses.
Hunter7 over 9 years ago
Never gave mom breakfast in bed. She was always up before me. But I would go looking for rummage sales and such on the Saturday. Find mom a starter plant. Some of those plants lasted 40 years or more.