So… if I give a pig a short haircut…. is that a pork chop?
Mornin’ Dog!Good to be able to say that here again.And Mornin’ Charlie too, of course!
Dogsniff and SusanSunshine! Plus, a race form in the front pocket. squealing allowed at the swine and cheese party
Charlie Podrebarac
July 10, 2015
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 9 years ago
So… if I give a pig a short haircut…. is that a pork chop?
Mornin’ Dog!Good to be able to say that here again.And Mornin’ Charlie too, of course!
charlie podrebarac creator over 9 years ago
Dogsniff and SusanSunshine! Plus, a race form in the front pocket.
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 9 years ago squealing allowed at the swine and cheese party