Dave Barry once observed that packs of seeds have these handy, little guides on the back as to where to plant your seeds. For example, if you live in Georgia, you should plant your seeds in the ground, whereas if you live in Maine, you should plant your seeds in Georgia.
juicebruce over 9 years ago
Sunflowers take one season Bob, trees take years !
fatchance over 9 years ago
My sunflowers began blooming yesterday. The goldfinches would be licking their lips, if they had any.
damifid0 over 9 years ago
I’ve got some ‘volunteers’ out front where the birds,missed a few viable seeds. yahee,free food for my birds and the flowers will look nice. :) Peace.
K M over 9 years ago
Dave Barry once observed that packs of seeds have these handy, little guides on the back as to where to plant your seeds. For example, if you live in Georgia, you should plant your seeds in the ground, whereas if you live in Maine, you should plant your seeds in Georgia.