It’s really not funny or clever when people look at our chickens and say things like “Oh they look tasty”. You wouldn’t say that about someone’s dog or cat. Don’t say it about any other animals either, unless you know for sure that the animal is meant to be food. (Also, if a live chicken actually DOES look tasty to you, please seek therapy. You need help.)
l-d over 9 years ago
This is not the first time Henrietta was in this comic… Guess she forgot to buy eggs one day.
DLF3275 over 9 years ago
Portlandia reruns, now?
echoraven over 9 years ago
…Im sure Henrietta is delicious!
hippogriff over 9 years ago
First rule of agriculture, Never name your crops.
K M over 9 years ago
My wife can’t pick a lobster from a tank. Does not like to be introduced to her dinner before she eats it.
Sheila Hardie over 9 years ago
It’s really not funny or clever when people look at our chickens and say things like “Oh they look tasty”. You wouldn’t say that about someone’s dog or cat. Don’t say it about any other animals either, unless you know for sure that the animal is meant to be food. (Also, if a live chicken actually DOES look tasty to you, please seek therapy. You need help.)
naturally_easy over 9 years ago
Why is every chicken who has a name have to be Henrietta? Oh….HENrietta…now I know! Sometimes you just have to hear it to get it.