Am I intuitive? Hmmm….I can tell when Bev is going to say something mean to me….But that’s easy….
And I have a round tuit on my fridge…. but think that just makes me tuitive ….um…. tuit-ated?Never mind.
Anyway, when I was small, my mother always knew who’d gotten up in the night to use the bathroom or get a drink of water… I was in awe of her psychic powers.
Years later, I asked her how she did it…. she told me our footsteps all sounded different…Plus, my brother’s bedroom was closer to the bathroom…and my sister always turned on a light.
Sigh… another childhood myth cut down to size.
Meanwhile…. 2Old… would you like an appointment?And don’t kid yourself…. I’m always gluing those darn things back on for her.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago
@TonyAm I intuitive? I raised 2 kids, you better believe I knew what they were doing, thinking, planning to do etc.!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 9 years ago
Am I intuitive? Hmmm….I can tell when Bev is going to say something mean to me….But that’s easy….
And I have a round tuit on my fridge…. but think that just makes me tuitive ….um…. tuit-ated?Never mind.
Anyway, when I was small, my mother always knew who’d gotten up in the night to use the bathroom or get a drink of water… I was in awe of her psychic powers.
Years later, I asked her how she did it…. she told me our footsteps all sounded different…Plus, my brother’s bedroom was closer to the bathroom…and my sister always turned on a light.
Sigh… another childhood myth cut down to size.
Meanwhile…. 2Old… would you like an appointment?And don’t kid yourself…. I’m always gluing those darn things back on for her.
Plods with ...™ over 9 years ago
Intuitive? I wish. Being male tends to paint a bullseye on me.
ladykat over 9 years ago
@TonyAm I intuitive? It depends on the person I’m interacting with
Knightman Premium Member over 9 years ago
Bah! Humbug!
whiteheron over 9 years ago
RE: Avant Gauche ’toon.Magic Mike, MD ? (comic STRIP doctor)
damifid0 over 9 years ago
Intuitive? I can’t even tell what i’m thimk’ng. :) Peace.
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
No, I am NOT tuitive…: >)
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
“Ain’t” or “Isn’t”?
I actually prefer “is not”.I do not like contractions…