This reminds me of a cat we called whitie, No instrument wise, I went across the street to visit with neighbors and that bleeep cat came over and started meowing like what are you doing over here and not home attending to me. I told that cat I would be there and he was persistent, so I finally left.
Cats own people where as people don’t own cats.
vlechtja over 14 years ago
that’s so cute
kab2rb over 14 years ago
This reminds me of a cat we called whitie, No instrument wise, I went across the street to visit with neighbors and that bleeep cat came over and started meowing like what are you doing over here and not home attending to me. I told that cat I would be there and he was persistent, so I finally left. Cats own people where as people don’t own cats.
truman72 over 14 years ago
They’re just like a peevish little kid when they don’t get their way, so true…