What kind of schizophrenic weirdness is it that we live in a culture of simultaneous complete entitlement AND the entitlement to publicly persecute anyone doing what they’re “entitled” to do that we don’t like?
There’s nothing wrong with “dog days”. Now, if she’d said “cur days”, that would be offensive. But we need to remember we’re dealing with a conservative cartoonist’s idea of what political correctness is to a liberal. And therefore bears no relationship to reality.
nosirrom over 9 years ago
I think Winslow is a little too Sirius about that expression.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Yer a freakin’ Coyote idiot!
catzilla23 over 9 years ago
So in Australia and New Zealand we have the coldest parts of winter as the dog days? Or does Sirius not show that far south in this season?
pschearer Premium Member over 9 years ago
The whole idea of microaggressions is megastupid.
dogday Premium Member over 9 years ago
What kind of schizophrenic weirdness is it that we live in a culture of simultaneous complete entitlement AND the entitlement to publicly persecute anyone doing what they’re “entitled” to do that we don’t like?
pschearer Premium Member over 9 years ago
Those of us who are not Leftists know exactly what he’s talking about.
kaffekup over 9 years ago
There’s nothing wrong with “dog days”. Now, if she’d said “cur days”, that would be offensive. But we need to remember we’re dealing with a conservative cartoonist’s idea of what political correctness is to a liberal. And therefore bears no relationship to reality.