My parents had a very loud referee whistle. They blew it if my sisters didn’t come in from play by dinner time. My sisters thought it cool at first, then hated it when the neighbors made fun of them. No more problem. Until they started driving and dating out of range of the whistle. But by that time Guilt was instilled solidly.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 9 years ago
They send them back? O.o
thirdguy over 9 years ago
What they wish they could do.
Chithing Premium Member over 9 years ago
Are parents still allowed to let their children get far enough away to need calling in? Or maybe he means calling their cell phone…
emptc12 over 9 years ago
My parents had a very loud referee whistle. They blew it if my sisters didn’t come in from play by dinner time. My sisters thought it cool at first, then hated it when the neighbors made fun of them. No more problem. Until they started driving and dating out of range of the whistle. But by that time Guilt was instilled solidly.
Egrayjames over 9 years ago
I’m 63, but can still hear my Mom’s voice calling for me to come in for supper. Miss her.
tygrkhat40 over 9 years ago
When my sisters and I were kids, if mom called us home, we’d say, “Be there in minute.” If my dad called us, EVERYBODY went home.
jtviper7 over 9 years ago
The good old days in Rochester N.Y.
Sir Uncle Rat69 over 9 years ago
Send them back to the factory as damaged goods and not what you signed up for..
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
My wife says I have selective hearing, but I assure her it also affects children…
Jim Kerner over 9 years ago
I’ve heard of parents letting them out to play on their own. It’s called, “Free Range Children!” I’m not making this up!