I heard of a fake medium who gypped a woman out of $40K to keep the spirits away. She was caught and went to jail which I think wrong as the spirits didn’t show up at trial, so she completed her end of the bargain. If you’re that dumb, then there should be no case.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 9 years ago
I heard of a fake medium who gypped a woman out of $40K to keep the spirits away. She was caught and went to jail which I think wrong as the spirits didn’t show up at trial, so she completed her end of the bargain. If you’re that dumb, then there should be no case.
GROG Premium Member over 9 years ago
He has no future.
under_dog over 9 years ago
Charles Squab! I can’t stand it! :)
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
I invested in the future… a very long time ago!
Now it’s here!
CRAP!boldyuma over 9 years ago
What is really funny is that a Squab(or a Chimp) can pick better investments than some financial gurus with a peck at a chart or a dartboard..