My parents kept it simple: a single string around the roof edge, and Santa on the front porch. One year my dad decided to put Santa on the roof. My younger brother & I were watching TV when we saw Dad fall past the living room window, right onto the cement walkway! We raced into the kitchen as he came in, holding his wrist (it REALLY wasn’t pretty, so I won’t describe). My mom was putting her coat on to take him to the hospital. I looked at Dad, and started to laugh. Brother looked, caught what I saw, and also laughed. Dad picked up on it, and laughed as well. Mom looked like she was going to kill each one of us. “What’s so funny?!?” Calmly, Dad asked, “What was the last thing we did before I went out there?” She answered, “We touched up Santa’s paint.” Dad asked, “…and what did we use?” “Lipstick.” We were laughing because Dad had ♫ lipstick on his collar ♫ (Mom got it, but still didn’t laugh. Yeah, my family humor is odd.)
Susan00100 almost 4 years ago
When I lived in NYC, there was a nearby church that had its own outdoor Christmas display: a “tree” made of pop tops and empty yogurt containers!
Wren Fahel almost 4 years ago
My parents kept it simple: a single string around the roof edge, and Santa on the front porch. One year my dad decided to put Santa on the roof. My younger brother & I were watching TV when we saw Dad fall past the living room window, right onto the cement walkway! We raced into the kitchen as he came in, holding his wrist (it REALLY wasn’t pretty, so I won’t describe). My mom was putting her coat on to take him to the hospital. I looked at Dad, and started to laugh. Brother looked, caught what I saw, and also laughed. Dad picked up on it, and laughed as well. Mom looked like she was going to kill each one of us. “What’s so funny?!?” Calmly, Dad asked, “What was the last thing we did before I went out there?” She answered, “We touched up Santa’s paint.” Dad asked, “…and what did we use?” “Lipstick.” We were laughing because Dad had ♫ lipstick on his collar ♫ (Mom got it, but still didn’t laugh. Yeah, my family humor is odd.)
Nyckname almost 4 years ago
Wrap the strings around folded up pieces of cardboard as you’re taking them down.