Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for June 10, 2010
Bucky says, "Today I'm working on Steve-ifying some out-of-date poemtry." Rob says, "Hm. You might want to master vocalubary first." Bucky says, "All the world's a YouTube, and all the morons merely players. They have their skate injuries and girl fights, and one man pleads don't tase me bro! His name being Leeroy Jenkins!" Bucky says, "That's a modernized, William, um, whozit? Jigglestick." Rob says, "Shakespeare." Bucky says, "Not now, thanks. I'm poemizing."
cat independance about 4 years ago
shakespeare in cattish translates to jiggelstick
DM9001 over 3 years ago
This brings back some good classic YouTube vibes.