Cartoonist Michael Dudds, Sr., was out sick today, so in his absence this strip was drawn by another comics professional. (Li’l Mikey can’t draw worth beans, and his puns stink up the whole section.)
As usual the villain is going to plan some complicated and elaborate execution method which backfires, instead of just shooting them both in the head and being done with it. Curses, foiled again.
Kip W over 9 years ago
Cartoonist Michael Dudds, Sr., was out sick today, so in his absence this strip was drawn by another comics professional. (Li’l Mikey can’t draw worth beans, and his puns stink up the whole section.)
BadVlad over 9 years ago
As usual the villain is going to plan some complicated and elaborate execution method which backfires, instead of just shooting them both in the head and being done with it. Curses, foiled again.
bigplayray about 4 years ago
I love the randomness of this strip!