Pluggers by Rick McKee for September 04, 2015

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    LuvThemPluggers  over 9 years ago

    …and disposes of the evidence before he walks in the house saying, “Boy, these sure smell good!”

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  2. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  over 9 years ago

    Now why have I never thought of that?

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    Plods with ...™  over 9 years ago

    Well – duh

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  4. Screamin  on leash special
    WDemBlk Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Reminds me of when I was a teen & often we’d go get freah bagels on a Sunday morning (from a real bagel place, freah out of the oven). We’d always get extras to eat on the way home- too tempting an aroma to wait!

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  5. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 9 years ago

    Hmmmm. Not a bad idea.

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    IndyMan  over 9 years ago

    Then, I can’t be a ‘Plugger’ because we NEVER go anywhere to get ‘fries to go’ or even fries to eat there. They are not that enjoyable, we always get something else like a side salad!

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    Cougar1990  over 9 years ago

    That’s what I’ve been doing for years. One small bag of french fries for me. Either McD or Wendy’s.

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    neverenoughgold  over 9 years ago

    When we go out to pick up a prepared dinner, usually Chinese take out and never anything from a fast food joint, it always goes into the trunk!

    Nothing worse than getting into your car the next morning and smelling last night’s dinner…

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  9. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  over 9 years ago

    But aren’t the burgers there something like $10.Never been to one so I am not putting aspersions on them. (wow! I used a fancy word!)

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    ladylagomorph76  over 9 years ago

    Not “pinch” …I meant they handle the produce. Spellcheck.

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    Sangelia  over 9 years ago

    Still wish I was the weight I was when I was at my 36th birthday. But between the accident caused scoliosis and the meds I was placed on. That is a impossiblity.I kinda miss being both a 5’7 and 99 lbs.

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    SnuffyG  over 9 years ago

    In all my Plugger years, I have never gotten my fill of fries……I gave up one time after 15 bags!!!

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    Triviaguy  over 9 years ago

    I tried In-N-Out here in San Antonio and I wasn’t all that impressed. It wasn’t bad but I prefer McDonald’s. 5 guys is good too, I just don’t get over there too often.

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    neverenoughgold  over 9 years ago

    Ok ok, I turned into a liar and a cheat tonight! I asked my wife if she wanted to go out to dinner and her reply was, “Let’s pick up some tacos from Taco Bell.”

    So loyal and obedient husband as I am, we picked up a bag (5) of tacos from Taco Hell; but, we did leave the sunroof open…

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