His thoughts….“One down…..millions to go…..and so little time.”“At least with this one I was shooting live rounds.”A conversation I over heard two women having one day.One “I cant believe your daughter is pregnant….how did it happen?”The other. “I don’t know.”I was so holding back on explaining the dynamics and physics involved but I did not want to get too nosey.
John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator over 9 years ago
Here’s the link. Click and then scroll down to see the original vintage art and text. Thanks!
Strine over 9 years ago
Is it the one with the long black beard? Maybe she’s planning a stoning, as in “Life of Brian.”
SeanT over 9 years ago
Looks like she’s already got morning sickness
The Reader Premium Member over 9 years ago
What a cliffhanger! Which one is pregnant?
J Short over 9 years ago
Initiating transformation to Werewolf.
Vet Premium Member over 9 years ago
His thoughts….“One down…..millions to go…..and so little time.”“At least with this one I was shooting live rounds.”A conversation I over heard two women having one day.One “I cant believe your daughter is pregnant….how did it happen?”The other. “I don’t know.”I was so holding back on explaining the dynamics and physics involved but I did not want to get too nosey.
warjoski Premium Member over 9 years ago
Why is she smelling her fingers? Did she just eat some chicken?
Calvins Brother over 9 years ago
Hey, I’ve seen this one before. Different conversation though.
IanAS99 over 9 years ago
Hey Rod, Do you have a tissue? Damn allergies.