Girl: What's your dad's big axiom again? Frazz: If you make a mistake, make it loud. Girl: My corollary is if you make a mistake, make it early. When you're climbing things, anyway. Frazz: You do want a short ride to the part with the lesson.
Squizzums over 9 years ago
Ah. Precocious children. Salinger is well pleased.
James Redekop Premium Member over 9 years ago
It’s going to be a really short ride to the lesson if Frazz doesn’t move his foot out from under those shears quickly…
Sir Uncle Rat69 over 9 years ago
Climbing trees is a kid bucket list item for sure. Who has not climbed a tree or pretty much anything that looked climbable as a kid?
garcoa over 9 years ago
Are children allowed to climb trees these days? Will the parents be charged for allowing that?
Jeff0811 over 9 years ago
My wife and I work at the same place. I was checking with one of the higher-ups on getting her schedule changed. He said, “Look at you, pulling strings”. I told him, “While you’re at it, go ahead and give her a raise.” Now we get to my axiom: If you’re going to pull strings, might as well grab a whole handful.
At least she got a schedule change out of the deal.
whiteheron over 9 years ago
My biggest mistake was learning the “Hey y’all, watch this !” phrase.
hablano over 9 years ago
If you don’t bleed for it, it ain’t worth doing.
Goblinopolis over 9 years ago
My high school band director used to tell us, “If you’re going to make a mistake, do it with confidence.” Then he fell off the reviewing stand.
childe_of_pan over 7 years ago
Once had the good fortune to see Motorhead live. Realized that among other things they had to teach younger bands: if you’re gonna be that loud, you’d better have something to say.