Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for August 27, 2015
planned deer hood deer: So if you abstain from procreating, eventually your numbers recede and your environment recovers. deer: How long is eventually? Deer: one or two generations. 20 or 30 years.... deer: years?!....you go 20 or 30 years without procreating??! verne: It's not that bad. after the first 10 years you hardly notice. rj: Speak for yourself.
TMO1 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Bring back the wolves, cougars, bears, and the problem will be solved the natural way. Instead, humans destroyed most of the predators and became the irrational predator, the one who destroys the best of the species instead of the weakest,. Humans are to blame for the deer overpopulation.
juicebruce over 9 years ago
The issue with the deer herd now is chronic wasting disease. Not a nice way to go.
Duncan Idaho over 9 years ago
Bring back the other large apex predators and deer will still be overpopulated , mainly because humans are much easier prey. Why chase down a deer at 30mph when you can go after a morbidly obese human at 3 mph
Andrew Bosch Premium Member over 9 years ago
Deer overpopulation really needs a tasty venison chili recipe.
dzw3030 over 9 years ago
Why not create an Urban deer harvest program? Hunter employees (JOBS!) armed with tranquilizer guns shoot the deer, Harvest vans collect the deer and start the butchering process (JOBS!). Meat processing plants complete the butchering process (JOBS!) and send the frozen product to food banks and Homeless shelter kitchens. The excess to sold on the open market (Income to help fund the program) The hides and antlers sold on the open market to help fund the program. Why not?