Girl: I sensed I was due to shake things up. But shaking up my life seemed hard. So I shook up a can of coke instead. Frazz: An interesting substitution. Girl: My new mode is all about finding the heaviest thing that will stick to the ceiling.
TheSkulker over 9 years ago
For me it was Heinlein, Asimov, Bester, et al and building/flying model airplanes. Don’t ever remember being bored and never once thought someone should entertain me.
Ninette over 9 years ago
Being seen and not heard as well as respecting my elders and obeying my parents was my idea of time well spent.
jgarrott over 9 years ago
At 67 I still have trouble when people ask me what my “hobbies” are, because I enjoy so many things. Bored? Not much!
whiteheron over 9 years ago
Shaking up a Pepsi made me come alive. I was in the Pepsi generation.
whiteheron over 9 years ago
And I would _never- waste a Vernors like that. Glass bottle, not canned.
zinvestor over 9 years ago
But only the glass from the Vernors plant at the foot of Woodward!
trollope'sreader over 9 years ago
Here’s a third Detroiter signing in who remembers visiting the plant of that foot of Woodward, usually on our return from BobLo.
Al Nala over 9 years ago
I am unaware of the chemistry and physics of sticking a soda can to the ceiling. Hmmmmmmm, experiments, experiments.
toahero over 9 years ago
Anyone else think it would be a good series to have Frazz gone from the school for a couple of weeks, and the students and teachers getting along in his absence?
Varnes over 9 years ago
whiteheron, my brother lives in Pittsburgh and when he comes to visit, He fills the car with Vernors and Spatz bread….Mmmmmmmmm……
Arianne over 9 years ago
I’m another Detroiter who remembers the Vernors plant. (And those gnomes!) I would go past it on my way from classes at Wayne State to my menial job at a medical research building.And BobLo! We were in our twenties the last time we went. The guys had just won an “important” softball game the night before, so we had been celebrating… some, more than was wise. I remember one fellow getting greener and greener as the boat trip wore on, but he got no pity from his wife. “I told you to take it easy! You knew we’ve had this trip planned for weeks!” She even made him go on the roller coaster with us all, but we made sure no one was sitting behind him. Whiteheron – I can’t remember the last time I saw Vernors in a glass bottle, but I don’t know for sure. I’ll keep a look-out for it. I was born in a small Michigan town not too far from Toledo, and have relatives living there whom we visit… well… not nearly often enough.
hippogriff over 9 years ago
Jack GarrottOne year, Steve Allen was made Chair of Hobby Month. An interviewer asked him what his hobbies were. “I have quite a few things I am interested in, but I generally end up getting paid for them.” Generally by writing about them.
ingibjornsson over 9 years ago
So you never ever tried to get things to explode, or started a fire accidentally?
Well I did a lot of much crazier things when I was a kid.
childe_of_pan over 7 years ago
Personal experience: magnifying glass + sheet of carbon paper + eight year old boy = bad combination.