Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for September 05, 2015

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    Varnes  over 9 years ago


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  2. Doug3
    baddawg1989  over 9 years ago

    Must be watching his Auburn Tigers…

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    ralphyork666  over 9 years ago

    Yup, and roasted peanuts are full of roasted bugs.

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    bob_shaffer  over 9 years ago

    Me thinks our Arlo just took a look at his couch, and the mess reminded him of the bleachers at the stadium. All that is missing are the roasted peanuts…

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    Reppr Premium Member over 9 years ago

    And he won’t get in any MORE trouble if there are peanut shells littering the room…..

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  6. Grumpy bear by capsicum
    DDrazen  over 9 years ago

    He should break out the Dirt Devil™.

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    FosterGrant  over 9 years ago

    Nothing to lose now…

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  8. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  over 9 years ago

    He’ll be shelling out big time for cleaning service.

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    treesareusPlagiarism! The study was done by Ralph Nader. He also found that if all the fat and legally allowable contaminants in “all beef” anything were at their maximum, the amount of bovine muscle would be 6%. [Testimony before a congressional committee on the Truth in Labeling Act (now not only being repealed, but actually banned).]

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    Doctor_McCoy  over 9 years ago

    Gotta put this on the ’fridge for my wife to see.

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  11. Rudy
    ARLOS DAD  over 9 years ago

    Go get an apple…..

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    AliCom  over 9 years ago

    Now, just who’s going to clean up the mess he made?

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    shaminoAs a law professor, Nader was discussing the law as written. It would have permitted (not required) those percentages, nor were they likely to be encountered, but none the less would be legal.

    TarredandfeatheredAt this time, Nader’s own students were doing this research and were called by the not-yet-quite-corporate media, “Nader’s Raiders”. Another professor’s students, researching smoking and health, were called “Banzoff’s Buccaneers”. Such groups today are studiously ignored by the corporate media.

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