Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for September 01, 2015
literary calendar monday 7 p.m. alicia sloe-lorris intial "the tiny book of twee bromides by the cash register." vapid books & such. 7 p.m. duane "li'l tom" hooper, t.s. eliot impersonator, reads "the waste land" with a pissy, supercilious look on his face then blows up when somebody asks him to sing selections from "cats." bogus bookshoppe. wednesday 7 p.m. former president bill clinton discusses "what is is! my life since the last book." back-slapping, hand-holding. panty-raid & hugfest to follow. barnes & noble at bypass plaza. 7 p.m. microsoft's bill gates reads from "my america, mine, mine, mine - a vision for the future" at books-a-billion. saturday 1 p.m. activist-perform-ance poet m'bolo stupak podgorny reads from "steal this book & heave it through a plate glass window." workshop to follow. pulpitation bookstore. 7 p.m. an infinite num-ber of chimpanzees discuss their multi-volume "treasury of western literature with no typos" at the museum of na-tural history. nit picking to follow.
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
I do enjoy these literary events (and their attendant activities)!
OldestandWisest over 9 years ago
T.S. Eliot did actually record spoken versions of some of his poems in his own voice (I have one LP of his.) Not sure if any of them were from “The Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats,” though.
Pickbrain over 9 years ago
I love Alice Sloe-Lorris’ twee bromides!