If this were 2020, I would guess he had a Fit bit that he was trying to appease. Elizabeth is wishing they had gone with that higher grade, long wearing carpet.
one of the cutest Cleo’s.I really enjoy the comic but leaving comments is a pain.Maybe Nighthawks and Stellbell will make a comic about leaving comments for Cleo?
margueritem over 14 years ago
Richard, you, too, can become a mall walker!
Ashrey over 14 years ago
Is he a pet to be ordered?
Farside99 over 4 years ago
Hey, you never know. Claude may learn to navigate that saucer and save the world or something. Yeah, riiiiight!.
Farside99 over 4 years ago
After 500 trips through the house, Regina has had just about of Richard’s restless rovings.
DennisinSeattle over 4 years ago
If this were 2020, I would guess he had a Fit bit that he was trying to appease. Elizabeth is wishing they had gone with that higher grade, long wearing carpet.
Tigressy over 4 years ago
Whoever installs them knows exactly how to push Claude’s.
DennisinSeattle over 4 years ago
Cleo, of course as a loyal doggie you will push the button and follow your master, right?
GROG Premium Member over 4 years ago
He can’t. He’s self quarantining.
GROG Premium Member over 4 years ago
That UFO will regret picking up that hitchhiker. They’ll be bad punned to death.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 4 years ago
Here we go again….
Well, at least Claude is going….
in the June 26th 2020 “CLEO and COMPANY”
Seems like Claude will never learn…
One moment, he’s in Cleveland, or at least, the toon version, on Sherpa … the next, he’s up up and awaaay….
in a spaceship!
Who needs Elon Musk, or hundreds of thousands of dollars?
All it takes is one tempting button…. and your outer space Uber is at your service… or maybe you’re at it’s service.
Sometimes, it’s merely taking you to the ground floor… minus 3. Sometimes… up into the sky… or on a trip far back in time.
But this time, it’s aliens…
what do they want?
He may soon find out.
Are they just having him for dinner… or are they…. having him for dinner? Stay tuned.
Or tooned.
brain Les over 4 years ago
one of the cutest Cleo’s.I really enjoy the comic but leaving comments is a pain.Maybe Nighthawks and Stellbell will make a comic about leaving comments for Cleo?
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 4 years ago
To Serve Man.
Plods with ...™ over 4 years ago
I was expecting a lucky horseshoe on his noggin.
Good morning, Ballardeers! 105,000,000,001 days of bandana madness.
Y’all have a great day! (((((HUGS)))))
MontanaLady over 4 years ago
So, do you feel lucky today? Do you, Punk?
MontanaLady over 4 years ago
I loved the green beam! Great animation Nighthawks and StelBel.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 4 years ago
Cleo – phone home.
Perkycat over 4 years ago
That’s it!!! I’m never pushing a button again. Claude will never learn, but I will.
katina.cooper over 4 years ago
It was the evil cats from Catworld. They’re gonna give Claude a tail.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 4 years ago
Good afternoon Balladeers, (((((Plods))))) and Miss Susan!