Frazz by Jef Mallett for September 14, 2015
Mr. Burke: Does swimming help your creative process? Frazz: It did yesterday! Mr. Burke: Hmm. Frazz: I left my phone in the locker room and you wouldn't believe how productive I was all day. Mr. Burke: That might not be the swimming. Frazz: Tomorrow I'm throwing it in the pool.
Bilan over 9 years ago
You’re half right. People are physically able to turn it off.
Alan Stone over 9 years ago
Funny. For me there was an ad for a $99 phone just on the right side of the page. Timing is everything.
Ninette over 9 years ago
Get an abacus.
whiteheron over 9 years ago
When good tools go bad. Hey, that sounds like it could be a TV program.
TheSkulker over 9 years ago
You don’t even have to turn a phone off, just not answer it. There is nothing forcing you to answer a phone other than your ego.
matzam Premium Member over 9 years ago
there’s an app for that
GoodGollieMizMollie over 9 years ago
Wow, comicssfan, you really had an unhappy childhood. But Frazz is there every day to give you a laugh. At least there’s THAT.
rfeinberg over 9 years ago
I don’t picture Frazz as someone who spends a lot of time playing with his smartphone in the first place. Have we ever seen him using any kind of electronic device? (Frazz also strikes me as one of those insufferable “TV?? Oh, I don’t even OWN a TV set” snobs.)