“The Cloud” is a Triumph of Marketing over Common sense:.At it’s most Basic, “The Cloud” is a Hard Drive that Belongs to a Corporation which has persuaded millions of people to Trust that a Faceless Corporation would Never, Ever, under Any circumstances “Snoop” on a customer’s Private Data just so that the Corporation could turn a Larger Profit..It’s a Corporation and Everyone Knows that Corporations Never Lie..[Snark Off].“The Cloud” is really unnecessary in these days of Terabyte Hard Drives for under $100.That’s the capacity to store More Books than anyone could Read in a Lifetime. More Movies than they could watch in the next 10 years. 20 Years worth of Music….And, of course, it would be Safe from 99% of Snoopers. Especially if you Turn the computer OFF when you aren’t Using it….
cabalonrye about 9 years ago
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke
Boots at the Boar Premium Member about 9 years ago
They both require a leap of faith.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 9 years ago
For that I have no idea.
Tarredandfeathered about 9 years ago
“The Cloud” is a Triumph of Marketing over Common sense:.At it’s most Basic, “The Cloud” is a Hard Drive that Belongs to a Corporation which has persuaded millions of people to Trust that a Faceless Corporation would Never, Ever, under Any circumstances “Snoop” on a customer’s Private Data just so that the Corporation could turn a Larger Profit..It’s a Corporation and Everyone Knows that Corporations Never Lie..[Snark Off].“The Cloud” is really unnecessary in these days of Terabyte Hard Drives for under $100.That’s the capacity to store More Books than anyone could Read in a Lifetime. More Movies than they could watch in the next 10 years. 20 Years worth of Music….And, of course, it would be Safe from 99% of Snoopers. Especially if you Turn the computer OFF when you aren’t Using it….