Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for September 11, 2015
Gimme yer lunch money, jock. Come on, Ernie. Please... Gimme yer lunch money, or all use my knowledge of statistical analysis and computing to find out every way you deviate from a social norm, then make it public. Here you go~ thank you for your fairness sir! The world is so much better now that there aren't any bullies.
emptc12 over 9 years ago
Next goal: Hooking up with all the cute cheerleaders. And the evolution human race takes a sharp turn to …?
Ida No over 9 years ago
The tables have turned and now the foot is on the other shoe! Nerds can’t be bullies (it’s in the dictionary, look it up) so what I’m doing isn’t technically bullying. It is, however, still extortion…