Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for November 24, 2015
richard's poor almanac thanksgiving fun page by richard thompson spot the differences try to spot the differences- one is a pilgrim, the other is a puritan, i forget which is which. also, one is very slightly lactose-intolerant and one is gay. word scramble yikes! it's only 11 a.m. and uncle eddie is already slurring his words! help him out, somebody- sotcch bimjeam gegong gninadconit bealgh zzzzzzzz oopsie! auntie sue lost her glasses and put some non-food items into the stuffing! let's pick them out- a fork, a meat thermometer, a cellphone, her glasses, car keys, a turkey baster, an oven mitt, that hideous gravy boat, her medicine, a railroad spike, too much celery. sue: not again! eddie: gruuh. uncle eddie's full! guide him to the nearest couch before ed. jr. gets there. or even worse, before someone says, "let's all go for a walk!" oop: let's all go for a walk! uh-oh! too late!
Sisyphos about 9 years ago
Too late, indeed.What do you mean, “too much celery”? There’s no such thing!
Malcolm Hall about 9 years ago
Wonny Jawker.