Red and Rover by Brian Basset for November 14, 2015
Martin: Red, we're back from our walk! Red: Psssst- you were supposed to spy on them, Not become bestie bsties! Traitor! Rover: Perhaps I am, perhaps I'm not. Perhaps I saw Martin and Jennifer sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Red: Perhaps you're a double agent! ...for our side, of course.
Catfeet Premium Member about 9 years ago
Rover—Ace of Spies!
mymontana about 9 years ago
Nice work, Rover. There’s lots of love in that hug you’re getting from Red. How precious the two of you are.
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer about 9 years ago
real smooth rover!
neverenoughgold about 9 years ago
Double Oh Rover…
tcar-1 about 9 years ago
Red to Agent Rover……….over.
dogday Premium Member about 9 years ago
WHO’S a GOOD DOG??? Oh, YOU know who you are!!! That smile in the last panel is priceless.
Jennifer, on the other hand….eeewwwww!
Stephen Gilberg about 9 years ago
Eh, I doubt they’d climb a tree.